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Formlabs BioMed White ResinFormlabs BioMed White Resin

Formlabs BioMed White Resin


Η Formlabs BioMed White Resin είναι ένα άκαμπτο υλικό για βιοσυμβατές εφαρμογές που απαιτούν μακροχρόνια επαφή με το δέρμα ή βραχυπρόθεσμη επαφή με τη βλεννογόνο μεμβράνη.


Formlabs is committed to ensuring every medical facility has access to the latest tools to improve care and provide the best patient experience.

BioMed White Resin is a rigid material for biocompatible applications requiring long-term skin contact or short-term mucosal membrane contact. Unique in our portfolio, this medical-grade material is also USP Pyrogen and Acute Systemic toxicity tested and can be used in applications with short-term tissue, bone, and dentin contact.

Parts printed with BioMed White Resin are compatible with common solvent disinfection and sterilization methods. BioMed White Resin is manufactured in our ISO 13485 facility and is also USP Class VI certified which makes it suitable for pharmaceutical and drug delivery applications.

Support print resolutions: 100 µm and 50µm

Post-curing required

You can read TDS here

Why Choose BioMed White Resin?

Fuel medical innovation using 3D printing and BioMed White Resin for producing end-use devices where performance and biocompatibility are critical.

Medical-Grade Material
Leverage a material manufactured within our Quality Management Systems, with strict adherence to ISO 13485.

Biocompatible and Sterilizable Parts
Testing conducted by Formlabs for common use cases is intended to instill confidence that this material is suitable for biocompatible applications.

High Contrast
Create contrast between substances or surfaces to aid in visualization with a white, opaque material.

Excellent Definition
Produce parts and assemblies with complex designs and geometries.

For any information you can contact us.

Post Processing

Form Wash Settings
5 min or until clean

Wash until clean in ≥ 99% IPA. Biocompatible resins must be washed in a dedicated biocompatible IPA bath. They cannot be washed in IPA that is cross-contaminated with other resins.

Form Cure Settings
60 min

60 °C

Follow the post-curing indications to achieve maximum material properties.
