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Katheris Model

    Our company recently undertook and completed the model of the company Katheris SA based in Heraklion, Crete. His other clients wanted the display of his facilities in Finiki in Heraklion, Crete as well as the process of transhipment on a cargo ship that he often carries out. As you can see from the photos of the project, it was complex and the final result came after a combination of many materials with both 3D printing and ready-made natural landscape material and a copy of the machines that the company has. For the construction of the model, the ship as well as the accessories were designed and printed in 3D (such as for example the harbor bollards, the fences, the partitions, etc.). Real soil, cement and asphalt were used for the construction of the landscape, while the building is made of model cardboard. The printing and design hours exceed a total of 200 while the assembly and placement of the individual materials exceeds a week! The result is unique and this project reminded us how much we love what we do and how perfect we want the result to be!
