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P-filament 721


The ‘P-filament 721’ offers excellent 3D printing performance with low distortion and shrinkage combined with high layer adhesion.

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P-Filament 721 of PPprint manufacturer consists the absolutely simplified solution for 3D printing PP in 3D printers without heating chambers. Its special formula for reducing shrinkage which creates warping effects, in combination with the special manufactured and necessary build platform creates perfect adhesion for the first layers and high-quality fusion between next layers. 3D printed parts from P-Filament 721 are presenting great mechanical behavior, extreme chemical resistance, rather non-effected behavior under thermal stress, while a very low friction coefficient also exists. Its low density makes it the most appropriate material for light-structure, without compromising mechanical efficiency. PP's applications in the world of plastics are already known and all restriction for applications in 3D printing are eliminated with the absolute solution of PPprint.

Preparation of PP-filaments ‘P-filament 721‘:
‘P-filament 721’ does not need to be dried before 3D printing and can be used without pre-treatment.


Storage instructions:

To ensure constant print performance, ‘P-filament’ should be used as soon as possible after opening (preferably within 15 months). It is recommended to store opened material at a temperature of 15 – 25°C and in a plastic bag to avoid dust contamination.

P-filament 721 natural is biological certified according to DIN EN ISO 10993-5 and is therefore ideal for 3D printing components that come in contact with the skin.

* It's required to use “P-Surface 141”

Package of 600g

Printing Properties

Recommended printing parameters:
‘P-surface 141’ is required as printing surface
Extruder temp: 200-220° C
Bed temp: 20 ° C (50 – 70 °C recommended for the first layer, 100 – 110 °C for non-destructive removal after completion)
Installation room temperature: not necessary


Due to the low density of PP it is perfectly suited for the fabrication of lightweight 3D printed products.

PP is a sustainable material because it is fully recyclable.

3D-printed products made of PP withstand mechanical stress very well, as PP has a high breaking strength.

3D printed PP products can be tailored to the requirements of a wide variety of applications due to the semi-flexibility of PP.

PP is perfectly suited for applications in contact with almost all chemicals and solvents as a result of its outstanding chemical resistance.

Polypropylene components are optically appealing and show a high surface quality.

Products made of PP are dishwasher safe and can be easily cleaned.

Polypropylene is highly suited for contact with water. PP is not moisture sensitive and PP filaments has not to be dried prior to 3D printing.

Products made of PP can be prepared in different colors by using colored filaments.

3D printed parts made of ‘P-fialment 721 natural’ are certificated according DIN EN ISO 10993-5 for biological safety and therefore skin-friendly.

With ‘P-support 279’ the first breakaway support material especially developed for polypropylene is now available.
